"Untitled VI"
sculpture (glass beads, freshwater pearls, thread (polyamide), a plastic toy)
(At the time when I made this piece, I used freshwater pearls as symbol of pain because of the way how they are manufactured. Nowadays I no longer use them, for I don´t think it is right/ justified to support that industry, not even in the name of awareness, art...)

"Untitled V"
necklace (glass beads, oxidized silver chains, oxidized silver fastener, thread (polyamide), a plastic toy)

"Untitled IV"
sculpture (glass beads, thread (polyamide), a plastic toy)
In Karelian and Finnish oral folklore the world is born from an egg.
The bird species and number of eggs varies depending on time period, poem and interpretations.
Sometimes the bird has been told to be a golden eagle, sometimes a common goldeneye.
No matter what the species, the Bird is anyhow the one to be thankful for.
Many other cultures share this same mythology in different variations.
Where has that respect for Birds gone? Instead every year we force more and more Bird species to confront difficulties to survive among and around us.
The origin of Life has challenged the human mind through ages.
At the same time when your birth to a certain place and time may look like a lucky or unlucky coincidence, it is still also just one part of the great continuation. Life´s shape and length is like one part or role in a huge game of world, where the players are Survival and Death. Some actions and moves you can choose yourself, but not all.
We are just parts of Nature, which is a collection of lives.
We are just tiny parts of it, and we should accept and respect that.
Ignorance and greed will only destroy us.

"Untitled III"
bracelet (glass beads, oxidized silver chain, thread, a plastic toy)

"Untitled II A & II B"
necklaces (glass beads, a silver chain (oxidized), thread (polyamide), plastic toys)

"Untitled I"
bracelet/necklace (glass beads, a silver chain (oxidized), thread (polyamide), plastic toys)

pendant (glass beads, oxidized silver fastener, thread (polyamide), a plastic toy)

jewellery sculpture (glass beads, freshwater pearls, pins, velvet ribbon, plastic toys)
(At the time when I made this piece, I used freshwater pearls as symbol of pain because of the way how they are manufactured. Nowadays I no longer use them, for I don´t think it is right/ justified to support that industry, not even in the name of awareness, art...)

"Sick sea II"
necklace (glass beads, line, freshwater pearls, pins, silver, a plastic toy)
(At the time when I made this piece, I used freshwater pearls as symbol of pain because of the way how they are manufactured. Nowadays I no longer use them, for I don´t think it is right/ justified to support that industry, not even in the name of awareness, art...)

"Sick sea"
necklace (glass beads, line, freshwater pearls, pins, silver, plastic toys, turquoise)
(At the time when I made this piece, I used freshwater pearls as symbol of pain because of the way how they are manufactured. Nowadays I no longer use them, for I don´t think it is right/ justified to support that industry, not even in the name of awareness, art...)

sculpture (glass beads, freshwater pearls, pins, a plastic toy)
(At the time when I made this piece, I used freshwater pearls as symbol of pain because of the way how they are manufactured. Nowadays I no longer use them, for I don´t think it is right/ justified to support that industry, not even in the name of awareness, art...)

pendant (glass beads, cowry shells, a metal part of horse harness, a magnetic silver lock (oxidized), a plastic toy, silver, thread (polyamide), turquoise, wire)

necklace (glass beads, a brass chain (self-made), pins, silver, a rubber toy)

"Man-made nature"
sculpture installation (glass beads, onyx, freshwater pearls, pins, quartz, threads, a plastic toy)
(At the time when I made this piece, I used freshwater pearls as symbol of pain because of the way how they are manufactured. Nowadays I no longer use them, for I don´t think it is right/ justified to support that industry, not even in the name of awareness, art...)

"Born to be free"
jewellery sculpture (glass beads, pins, thread, a plastic toy)

"Divine remedy"
necklace (agate, howlite, malachite, pins, thread, a plastic toy)

necklace (glass beads, thread (polyamide), a plastic toy)

jewellery sculpture (moss agate, amber, glass beads, labradorite, malachite, paint, pins, prehnite, a plastic toy)

"Supreme intelligence?"
jewellery sculpture (glass beads, pins, thread, a plastic toy)

jewellery sculpture (glass beads, a bronze chain, copper, pins, a plastic toy)

jewellery sculpture (glass beads, pins, turquoise, a plastic toy)

"Meat market"
necklace (agate, glass beads, pins, thread, rose quartz, a rubber toy)

sculpture (glass beads, pins, thread, a plastic toy)

"Chimera genetics"
jewellery sculpture (glass beads, freshwater pearls, pins, plastic toys)
(At the time when I made this piece, I used freshwater pearls as symbol of pain because of the way how they are manufactured. Nowadays I no longer use them, for I don´t think it is right/ justified to support that industry, not even in the name of awareness, art...)